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Sarita Lozano

How did you get into music?

I started writing poetry and songs aged 5 and made my first beats using an old metronome and acoustic piano, recorded through a laptop in my bathroom. I am an empath and super sensitive. Growing up I always felt people and environments trying to put me in a box. I am a Free Spirit and although my background is English/Spanish, I’ve never “fitted in” anywhere. I am happy with this and have spent my life burning these boxes and shaking judgment off my spirit. I don’t believe any human should be trapped in a box. Probably to be expected from someone like me, I hated school and it felt like a jail sentence to me. I was angry growing up and I guess I hid my loving nature. I hid behind my ego because I didn’t feel understood by anyone around me, so it felt hard to trust. Music also felt rigid to me. I was in Choir, but a lot of musical environments felt too predicated on background and superficial things, not things of the soul. For me, music always has and will be from and for the soul. Through music, I can connect so deeply to people, and I feel completely free to be myself and be vulnerable.

I started producing music in 2016 when I was living in Lewisham, South London. Since then, I have been crafting. I write in both English and Spanish and have been mixing and engineering my sound which has received regular support from BBC Introducing in Essex.

I haven’t come up in any scene. I am the scene and as much as I love working with individuals, most of my time is spent alone producing,writing, recording and engineering. Love is my fight, so it is where I have endured the most challenge. I’ve been through a bunch of traumas but through dealing with them I have become a better person and better equipped to bless others. I love deeply and used to resent this. Now I realise it is my greatest gift. 

Who has been your influential teacher/mentor?

I grew up watching my daddy make music, who is a Flamenco artist from Spain. I really do think you are born an artist and don’t choose it. My grandad on my mum’s side was also an artist. I was really close to him and he always said I had the “ear” for music. For me, good music is music that is raw, real and strong. I’m not about battery produced music and I can only be moved by authenticity. Nothing sounds sexier to me than the music of someone that is free-thinking.


What is your proudest achievement as an artist?

My ability to be controversial and real and I share my truth regardless of how it may be received. I have been working to strip away attachment, rejection, ego and fear to break negative cycles of behaviour in me. My proudest achievement is having the opportunity to tour South America in 2019 for 2 months doing regular shows, radio and TV appearances. I really connected with so many people in Argentina and Uruguay and I saw so much natural beauty. BBC introducing have been supporting my music for the past few years. I’m due to make a few more steps towards my goal of making a number one hit. I treat my creative path like a career, I do 9-5 dream, 5-9 current reality.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

I am averse to business because my music comes from a pure place. It is the purest part of me, so I have never been good at selling it. That requires looking at myself with an intention to take from others whereas my music is about giving. I am rooted in love, not money although I know money is essential, so I want to make it. I have never followed trends. I just follow the trend in my heart. Being in environments where lots of people follow is suffocating to me. I have big, big respect for free thinking creatives doing their thing, no matter who they are. Big spirits will always inspire me. My inspiration comes from my need to speak my truth and bare God’s light. Having said this, I want my success because I've earnt it. I've put way over my 10,000 hours into this game and I know my worth in life and in music. I’ve seen a lot of funky energy in the music industry. I guess this comes from desperation to succeed,but if you trust yourself, you will never be desperate. Just like in any relationship, my success isn’t dependent on other people’s opinions. I know I’m sexy now and I’ll know I’m sexy when I get that number 1 hit.

