Welcome to Arriver. A platform for those who are hidden in plain sight.
An in-depth look at established artist careers that relate to social, political, and/or spiritual issues.
This showcase features underrated, talented performers whose names have yet to be discovered.
Find Arriver merchandise here.
An explanation of what Arriver is about and our vision for the future of music as it relates to  mission and values.
Contact Arriver for features and information.


How did you first get into music?

All of us have a deep history with music as we’ve played these instruments throughout adolescence and have always had a passion for music that came naturally. In terms of making music as an adult, personally speaking (Lizzie, vocals & guitar) I’ve always loved to sing, I loved performing and writing music. Around 2019 I was making music as a solo artist and realized into 2020, along with many other people over the course of the pandemic, that I felt lost, confused, and unfulfilled in my career path. 24 hours after this realization, I made a “want to be in my girlboss band?” Craigslist post which led us to our killer bassist Rachel Kim. Some easy communication with my middle school best friend Sofia Silvestri who happens to be a keyboard wizard got us to 3 members, thus Innuendo was born.

What is your main inspiration?

The highs and lows of life, I’ve always been inspired by people and what they have to say, especially the relationships we form, the good, the bad, the ugly, the fall outs, the makeups, all of those visceral feelings that these relationships cause are very inspiring from a writers perspective. There are plenty of songs I’ve written that are borderline meaningless and just pure fun and of course those songs are necessary to make to keep us sane. Not every song has to be a fuck you anthem or incredibly depressing. But in terms of main inspiration and over arching themes I believe conquering the monster that is life, leveling up, coming out the other side and owning who you are unapologetically are the main inspirational themes…for now.

What are your plans in the coming months?

We are releasing our first project ever! It’s a 4 track EP titled “Hammerhead”, it tells a story of losing and finding one’s self, moving forward from twisted relationships and really knowing who you are and not apologizing for it, maybe even doubling down at times! The writing is honest, tongue-in-cheek, introspective and funny at times. With experimental indie rock and R&B inspired sounds, we feel more than comfortable releasing the project as our introduction to Innuendo. We also look forward to booking more gigs. Being able to perform on stage with friends in the crowd is one of those indescribable feelings that just keeps getting better and better. In the future, we’d love to book a show in a city outside of LA and expand our experience

Will you be delving into other genres in the future?

Absolutely, from the beginning all of us agreed we wanted to be a versatile band whose next moves you can’t really predict. In the music world that means bending genres and experimenting. Music is limitless so we’re always working with different sounds and keeping our ears out for new inspirations and artists that can effortlessly blend genres.

